
lost and found

Went through my flickr and found some old favourites, and some new ones I took on a reach camp I recently went on...I liked been the photographer...who knows, maybe I am the new reach camera girl?
I re-vamped with em's favourite font.


  1. hahahaha - when did indie become cool?
    loving the helvetica neue!
    i love love love love love you!
    you are going to be fabbbbbulous tomorrow!! x xxxx
    PS i want to see the photos you took on the camp!

  2. thanks gurrrrrrl! love yew too
    thank you!!!!
    Yeah, there are some on the facebook website, but there are a lot more that I couldn't put up!
    I wanna show you! xxx

  3. the one of marty breaks my heart and mends it again.
    you really captured his utterly stunning soul.
    and the words are a perfect match.
    junior camp? reminds me of the last night in the church.
    love you dearest.
    hope you're travelling okay in these last weeks,
    im soo sorry i haven't made it down to keep you company/cook for you yet. hehe
